Dreams Continue Amid The Pandemic
The mission of the Fairy Godmother Foundation of New York, Inc. is to improve the quality of life of children and young adults with medical, developmental, physical and mental health challenges by granting their dreams. Since our beginning in 2017, The Fairy Godmother Foundation of New York has granted 108 dreams.
A wide spectrum of individual dreams have recently been granted, including trips, shows, cultural events, gifted items, and food cards. Some examples include the trip of a lifetime to the YouTube convention in LA, a family resort weekend for a child who had a transplant, a broadway weekend for a young girl with a brain tumor, a NYC ballet evening and dinner for a young girl with leukemia, a NYC limo tour for a 6 year old living in a hospital awaiting a lung transplant, a weekend in Atlantic City and a show for a young man with end stage cancer and his wife, and variety of child-focused performances of for children with cancer, other serious illnesses and those who have had transplants. We've also gotten furniture to enable children with transplants and those with cancer to come home from the hospital to something new. We also helped add components of a room to the home of a pre-teen with a life-threatening blood disorder (who now has her own space after sharing a bed with family for her entire life).
Examples of technology dreams have included iPads and iPhones for children with life-threatening illnesses, and a drawing tablet for a bereaved teen who is an aspiring artist. Dreams of eye exams and glasses have been granted to many students in NYC who lack insurance or the funds for glasses, as requested by concerned teachers.
We have worked to address the specific needs of dream applicants during the pandemic, and have focused on helping families adapt to changing medical and financial realities. We purchased a desk, chair, and school supplies for a young girl with cancer who will be attending virtual school at home. Many families of children in our dream community have lost jobs and have been unable to buy food. The Fairy Godmother Foundation responded and raised funds for 40 grocery gift cards to help families referred by teachers and healthcare professionals.
Dream requests continue to come in, including a Princess Party for a child who is hospitalized, and a trip to SeaWorld for a young man who is a brain tumor survivor. Trips will be granted when feasible and safe.
Some donors fund particular dreams. Most donors contribute to a fund enabling us to grant dreams quickly after they are requested. Once a dream request is received, it is immediately reviewed and acted upon by the Dream Committee, often within 48 hours. In some cases, because of the nature of the applicant’s illnesses, timing is critical.
In spite of the pandemic, the work of the Foundation continues and requests are increasing. It is truly the generosity of donors that makes this work happen.
A Special Dream
The Fairy Godmother Foundation had a positive impact on the life of a young woman navigating the challenges of cerebral palsy. After the loss of her parents, she experienced significant difficulty finding safe and supportive housing. She sought temporary, emergency refuge with a school friend’s loving family, and The Fairy Godmother Foundation assisted her in planning for a more permanent living situation. In collaboration with Camp Horizon, the Foundation provided resources to enable this young woman to live in an apartment in a supportive environment. The Fairy Godmother Foundation assisted with clothing and apartment furnishings to help her begin her new life. She now has a part time job and is more at peace with her life.